Joel & Jasper

by peaadmin

Canada’s Steer Whisperer

Joel Lybbert brings his exceptional horsemanship and the special bond he has with animals to his unique trick roping show. The star of the show is a Texas Long Horn Steer called “Jasper” who Joel has trained to ride under saddle. Along with Indy the buffalo and Flash, his horse, Joel performs a one-of-a-kind stunt show that includes awesome maneuvers that include trick roping with a 60 foot lasso and whip cracking.

Born into the cowboy life, Joel was not one to shy away from a challenge, inspired by an old photo of a cowboy riding a Long Horn Steer, he began training Jasper. Combining some cowboy skills, toughness, and logic and his unlikely mount, Joel has created an uncommon performance of his riding and roping abilities.

Joel is a true Southern Alberta Cowboy working hard to live the dream.
